Depois de tudo que sofri (como vocês podem ler no meu penúltimo post) vejo essa maravilhosa reverência de blog. A Constance contou do blog A Cup of Jo que fez uma série de posts com conselhos de alguns casais para um casamento feliz. Este é o link de um deles:
Mas para quem não quiser ir até lá...

Think play, not romance.
Forget flowers, dinner and candles, and instead play a video game, have a water-gun battle or play in a photo booth (or with Photobooth if you have a Mac!).
Embrace imperfection.
Accept that you're both going to make mistakes, and if the mistake was not intentionally hurtful, let it go. Adjust your expectations and align them with reality (dirty towels on the floor, pre-menstrual hormone insanity), not fantasy (a pristine house, a perpetually perky disposition).
Reinvigorate the Old.
Life's grind sometimes whittles away the parts of us that are carefree, inspired, focused or fun. One of the best things you can do for your spouse is to defend the parts of them that you married them for. And that doesn't mean saying "You used to be so..." It means reminding them that they ARE those things; they're not gone, even on their most beaten down days.
Discover the New.
Embark on unplanned adventures. Often.
-- Nichole, Little Brown Pen
Mas para quem não quiser ir até lá...

Think play, not romance.
Forget flowers, dinner and candles, and instead play a video game, have a water-gun battle or play in a photo booth (or with Photobooth if you have a Mac!).
Embrace imperfection.
Accept that you're both going to make mistakes, and if the mistake was not intentionally hurtful, let it go. Adjust your expectations and align them with reality (dirty towels on the floor, pre-menstrual hormone insanity), not fantasy (a pristine house, a perpetually perky disposition).
Reinvigorate the Old.
Life's grind sometimes whittles away the parts of us that are carefree, inspired, focused or fun. One of the best things you can do for your spouse is to defend the parts of them that you married them for. And that doesn't mean saying "You used to be so..." It means reminding them that they ARE those things; they're not gone, even on their most beaten down days.
Discover the New.
Embark on unplanned adventures. Often.
-- Nichole, Little Brown Pen
Ei Amanda. Que bom que está mais animada! Se quiser indicação de quem faz enfeites lindos de cabelo é só ir na Penduricalho. Eles estão fazendo uns casquetes lindíssimos com laço chanel para minhas damas. Beijos
ResponderExcluirOi, Amanda!
ResponderExcluirQue bom que vc gostou do post!
Achei tão lindo e honesto e simples o "segredo" deles que quis compartilhar com todo mundo...!